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Freundschaft team

Halina Rabczak
Chief Financial Officer
Halina has experience in financial management of agencies in the advertising industry. Previously, at MSLGROUP and Leo Burnett. Since June 2020, the CFO of the S/F Group.
Anna Koszur
Chief Executive Officer
Anna combines consulting, strategic and managerial experience. She was a member of the board at DDB Warszawa, she also created CPC consulting. Since 2019, managing director of Scholz & Friends Warsaw.
Kamil Majewski
Creative Director
Kreatywny lider z bogatym doświadczeniem w branży reklamowej, z pasją kieruje zespołami i realizuje kampanie 360 stopni. Karierę rozpoczął jako copywriter w Leo Burnett i DDB Warszawa.
Magda Korczak
Managing Director
For 13 years in the industry, she passionately leads strong teams in the Client Service department and takes care of relationships with clients. She started her adventure with marketing in Poznań (Albedo Marketing), and for 9 years she has been working in Warsaw in various Mediacap companies, and for 4 years in Freundschaft.
Karolina Blair
Business Development Director
Doświadczenie zdobywała zarówno po stronie agencji (BNA, Scholz and Friends, Leo Burnett 180heartbeats+JUNG v MATT, jak i klienta (Skanska, Tar Heel Capital) prowadząc projekty z zakresu rozwoju biznesu, strategii sprzedaży i zarządzania relacjami z kluczowymi partnerami.
Bartek Koj
Head of Content & Design
Previously, Bartek worked for K2, Saatchi & Saatchi and Havas. Creative director of The Digitals since 2016.
Weronika Zielińska
Deputy Creative Director
She has been inventing slogans, scenarios and campaigns for over 16 years. She gained experience in the largest network agencies in Poland, working for global mega-brands and local iconic brands. Since 2020, she has been leading a team for one of Freundschaft's key clients.
Agata Wołkowicka
Business Director
Agata has been working in advertising for over 16 years. At Saatchi & Saatchi X she worked, among others: for P&G, in Gray Warszawa it served Grupa Żywiec, Totalizator Sportowy, in Change the Skoda, Almette and Bank Millennium brands, and in Cheil - Samsung. With Freundschaft The Digitals, he has been responsible for managing a group of strategic clients for 8 years.
Konrad Bąk
Performance Media Deputy Director
Specjalista w digital marketingu, nadzorujący strategiczne kampanie i wspierający rozwój zespołów. Karierę rozpoczął w Result Media, gdzie budował solidne podstawy w performance marketingu.
Kamila Wilczek
Head of People and Culture
Kieruje działem People and Culture, odpowiadając za wszystkie aspekty HR-owe i budowanie kultury agencyjnej opartej na innowacyjności, zaangażowaniu i otwartości.
Józek Dutkiewicz
Creative Culture
In advertising since 1995. Józek worked, among others, in such agencies as D'Arcy, ITI, McCann, Bates, TBWA, DBB. Since 2010 at Scholz & Friends Warsaw, and since 2012 as the agency’s creative director.

    Individuals together


    we believe that differences create better platforms, content, design, performance, experience, and communication means opening up to others. open up to Freundschaft.

    We build brands. We believe in good insight, a clear concept and a clear message. We create experiences and memorable platforms. This is how we work on brand communication.

    • Communication and Brand Strategy
    • Concept
    • Platforms
    • Experience

    We create content for brands. We generate gifts, posts, animations, video content, stories, activations, competitions, websites, banners, mailings, websites and landing pages. We build a consistent and qualitative brand world.

    • Content
    • Social media
    • Technology

    We plan and implement goal-focused media activities. We build reach, acquire leads, generate sales - in many channels and based on quality data.

    • Performance media
    • Marketing automation
    • E-commerce

    Our clients